Engagement: Alice + Anson

I still remember my 4 business trips in 5 weeks back in May and June. Just the thought of it makes me shiver. Never again would I fly so frequently. Anyways, here is a quick teaser of one of my favorite overseas photo shoots. Alice and Anson both moved to the United Kingdom when they … Continue reading

Engagement: Karen + Joe

From the day Karen contacted me for my charge to actually photo shooting the couple took only 16 days. They haven’t requested to meet in person to go through the details or anything. We simply did it all through emails. That’s just perfect for me. This set is definitely one of my favorite sets of … Continue reading

Engagement: Jasmine + Calvin

This shooting was done back in early May, and it was definitely the hottest day in May. I can still feel the heat just by looking at the photos. LOL.

Wedding: Sharon (Little White) + James

The bride doing her own makeup and the groom doing his bride’s hair is already very rare, but doing it perfectly? I have no doubt that this is the very first one. Really smart of them to choose a bright color bouquet and corsages. I haven’t shown any photos that has their backdrop in this … Continue reading

Engagement: Agnes + Eric

I enjoyed so much photo shooting Agnes and Eric. Well…I said “enjoyed”, it didn’t necessarily mean the shooting was EASY instead it was quite challenging. Some of the guys are camera shy, and Eric’s name is definitely on the top three list. Yet because of his shyness, we have so much laughters throughout.  There are … Continue reading

Engagement: Hilda + Alfred

Location: Shanghai This is actually an engagement shooting I did three weeks ago. There are a few more sets of photos that I should have worked on before this set. Well…I helped them cut the line because their big day is less than a week away from now. The camera absolutely loves Hilda. She looks … Continue reading

Engagement: Sara + Billy (Part 2)

Go check out post “Sara + Billy (Part 1)” before reading this post. On the third week of February, we finally had our photo shoot. It was also my first time meeting Sara and Billy. Perhaps because Sara and I have communicated so much through emailing before the shooting, I actually felt I have known her for a long time. Usually … Continue reading

Engagement: Sara + Billy (Part one)

This post is going to be longer because I have a story to share. When I first said okay to Sara’s request in November of doing their engagement photos in February, I never knew what I have gotten myself into… When Sara sent me photos to my Iphone of the locations of where they wanted … Continue reading

Engagement: Queenie + Joe

Queenie first contacted me about doing her engagement photoshoot back in early October. She said they would be coming back to Hong Kong (from Aussie) to get the venues for their next year wedding sorted out in December. Therefore, we have been emailing back and forth about the photoshoot theme for two months before the … Continue reading

Engagement: Kee + Michael

Location: Shanghai SHANGHAI is a tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as the Bund and City God Temple, and its modern and ever-expanding Pudong skyline including the Oriental Pearl Tower. When Kee first mentioned to me about wanting to shoot in the bund, I went into panic mode. If you know Shanghai, you … Continue reading