Wedding: Eunice + Donald

It has been such a long time since I updated this blog even the settings for creating a new post has changed already! But just so you all know that I haven’t stopped taking photos. So many things have happened in 2017, and most of them were good rather than bad. If I could recall, … Continue reading

Wedding: Marvi + Dickson

Wedding: Janice + Stephen

So sorry for not updating my blog for a couple weeks. I have had a crazy month. Here is a sneak peek of Janice and Stephen’s wedding. Janice and Stephen are such an adorable couple. I still remember we had our first and only meeting at festival walk. I never pictured how my potential clients … Continue reading

Friends: #30 is the new 20

How I wish I could have more time to photograph this group of girls, 2.5 hours just wasn’t enough. Agnes is my prior client (you can view her beautiful family from here), she’s also the one who made contacted with me this time. She told me that she wanted to have a photo session with … Continue reading