Wedding: Janice + Stephen

So sorry for not updating my blog for a couple weeks. I have had a crazy month. Here is a sneak peek of Janice and Stephen’s wedding. Janice and Stephen are such an adorable couple. I still remember we had our first and only meeting at festival walk. I never pictured how my potential clients … Continue reading

Wedding: Stella + Matthew

Here is a quick teaser of a beautiful wedding that I shot in late March. Doesn’t Stella look gorgeous? Congratulations once again, Stella and Matthew!

Wedding: Eiphie + Tony

Eiphie and Tony definitely were made for each other. I have never met a couple that’s so alike (not talking about their appearances). They liked the same thing. They did everything together. I have been told numerous times that my wedding photos look different from the others. It’s because I captured what’s really in the … Continue reading