Engagement: Eva + Sunny

Weather in Hong Kong this year has been very weird. It has been raining pretty much the whole month in April and May. So many of my shootings have to be rescheduled. Come on! Hong Kong! Stop raining already! Here is a sneak peek of Eva and Sunny’s engagement set, which we managed to do … Continue reading

Engagement: Ivy + Mike

Bangkok. I have always loved Bangkok. I was thrilled when I suggested to Ivy and Mike about shooting in Bangkok and they agreed to go along with my suggestion.

Engagement: So Ling + Wai

This is definitely one of my favorite sets of photos. We spent two half days shooting in Rome and Florence. It was actually my first time being in Florence. I spent 7 hours walking around Florence the day before they arrived. When I said WALKING, it literally meant on foot. Soling and Wai made my … Continue reading