Family: The Yip Family

One kid is already difficult enough to photograph, now it comes two! BUT it also means double the joy! Eva and Sunny are another clients that I have gone through a few phrases with together. I did their engagement photo shoot, and then maternity. Now the baby twins turning one year old. Sophie and Emma … Continue reading

Family: Soei + Jeff + Timothy

Happy birthday Baby Timothy! I have gotten very passionate about photographing families with young kids. Photographing this beautiful family was actually easy. Baby Timothy was another well behaved baby that I have met that month.

Family: The Lung Family

The first time I met Marcus, Eunis and Danny was right on the shooting day. The first thought that came into my mind when I saw them was that I was so lucky that this handsome family has picked me! Remember I mentioned in one of my posts that some people asked me if I … Continue reading