Engagement: Eva + Sunny

Weather in Hong Kong this year has been very weird. It has been raining pretty much the whole month in April and May. So many of my shootings have to be rescheduled. Come on! Hong Kong! Stop raining already! Here is a sneak peek of Eva and Sunny’s engagement set, which we managed to do … Continue reading

Engagement: Joyce + Alfred

Here is a quick teaser of Joyce and Alfred’s engagement photos. I love love love love Joyce’s floral print dress. It stands out so well in the photos. Can’t wait for next week to come!! Come back and check out what’s it about =) *snickering*

Engagement: Alice + Anson

I still remember my 4 business trips in 5 weeks back in May and June. Just the thought of it makes me shiver. Never again would I fly so frequently. Anyways, here is a quick teaser of one of my favorite overseas photo shoots. Alice and Anson both moved to the United Kingdom when they … Continue reading

Engagement: Ivy + Mike

Bangkok. I have always loved Bangkok. I was thrilled when I suggested to Ivy and Mike about shooting in Bangkok and they agreed to go along with my suggestion.